Hello. I am trying to put lines on simulator
initialize lineset pointer
void initializeLineMarker(SimpleControllerIO* io, const Vector3& foot0, const Vector3& foot1, const Vector3& foot2, const Vector3& foot3) {
// (R, G, B)
Vector3f color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // 초록색
SgLineSetPtr lineSet = new SgLineSet;
SgVertexArrayPtr vertices = lineSet->getOrCreateVertices();
int startIndex = vertices->size();
// add lines
lineSet->addLine(startIndex, startIndex + 1);
lineSet->addLine(startIndex + 1, startIndex + 2);
lineSet->addLine(startIndex + 2, startIndex + 3);
lineSet->addLine(startIndex + 3, startIndex);
// color
SgColorArrayPtr colors = new SgColorArray;
(*colors)[0] = color;
// thickness
lineSet->setLineWidth(5.0f); // 원하는 굵기로 설정
SupportLine = new SgPosTransform;
and update line position like this
void updateLineSupportLine(const Vector3& foot0, const Vector3& foot1, const Vector3& foot2, const Vector3& foot3) {
lineSet_update = dynamic_cast<SgLineSet*>(SupportLine->child(0));
vertices_update = lineSet_update->vertices();
vertices_update->at(0) = foot0.cast<float>();
vertices_update->at(1) = foot1.cast<float>();
vertices_update->at(2) = foot2.cast<float>();
vertices_update->at(3) = foot3.cast<float>();
// SceneGraph notify update
when I use this code in my controller. it works well for a while
but after some moment, simulation stopped.
I checked this by using exception catch
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Exception in control: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return false;
then, terminal said
“Exception in control: bad_function_call”
I checked many times to find what function causes this exception
i think nofityUpdate cause this exception.
How can I fix it?